
Find out about our latest product changes as we continue
improving Flixier to enable your team to make amazing videos

Announcement 🎈🥳

Rewards for sharing Flixier 🎉🚀 - you can now get extra storage and publish time if you refer new users to Flixier. More details here.

Mask Filters 🔳 - you can now pixelate and blur an area of your video. 

Fixes ⚙

Fixed an issue that caused some objects to flicker. 

Fixed an issue that sometimes caused timeline sprites to not work before scrolling. 

Fixed an issue with search and filters in the library. 

Fixed an issue that crashed Ripple Split if you kept holding 'shift' but moved the Playhead after an initial split. 

Improvements 🛠

The YouTube video title is now required and we added the project name as the default one. 

Re-generated Sprites and Thumbnails for all imported external assets that sometimes didn't work correctly. 


Timeline mouse select - you can now multi-select by clicking and dragging with your mouse in the timeline. 

Rounded corners for timeline objects - this makes it easier to spot cuts in the timeline. 

Snap Play Head to objects - when positioning the Play Head near an object it will now snap to it. 


Fixed an issue where media imported from Twitch would wrongly rescale. 

Fixed an issue where Ripple Split would make many small unwanted cuts. 


Clicking an empty space on the Timeline deselects selected objects. 

Decreased the timeline Snap range - the magnet effect was too high which made it difficult to position objects. 

Disabled snap while ripple-split to make it smoother to move objects. 


  • Hovering over transitions with the mouse cursor will now show a preview of the transition making it easier to choose the right one. 
  • You can now use the Object Inspector menu to add transitions by selecting them from a drop-down list. 
  • You can control how long a transition lasts more precisely by modifying it using the Object Inspector menu.
  • Smoother Scrolling. 


  • Elements are no longer being moved in the stage when the focus is on the color correction Range Slider. 
  • Fixed a bug where an object wasn't selected when right clicked. 


  • Clicking on an object in the timeline will not move the Playhead anymore. You can click anywhere else on the timeline to move it. This makes it less likely to accidentally move it when selecting an object.
  • You can now modify the quality of the canvas preview when Twitch clips are added to the project.
  • Made it easier to deselect Media from the Timeline or Canvas. 
  • You can now deselect a Track by clicking on another item in the timeline. 
  • You can now save empty projects. 
  • When going from the projects dashboard to the editor the Personal Library tab will be selected by default. 
  • If you are logged in you will be redirected from the home page to the editor. 
  • Right Clicking the Playhead now displays the usual options that right clicking on a track would (such as Ripple Delete) 


  • You can now publish videos to your Facebook Pages from the Dashboard or Export Page


  • Pinch-zoom was the other way around
  • Fixed RippleSpliting an object without any others to it's right
  • Fixed a case for subtitles where the object wasn't added to canvas if first subtitle text was empty


  • Persist search keyword among Stock providers
  • Persist selection after Pan and Play


  • Twitch Clips - besides streams you can now import your Twitch Clips into Flixier!


  • Timeline Zoom - zoom steps in the timeline have been tweaked so you now get a far better response when zooming in and out. 
  • Twitch Import Performance - Massive speed improvement when importing Twitch Streams. Also imports now come as one single video rather split into multiple 1h ones.


  • massive speed improvements when zooming and scrolling. 
  • we fixed a bug where sometimes you couldn't trim an object
  • now we use absolute values when displaying start/end times for subtitles so you can better understand where the subtitle starts.
  • when resizing/cutting the rest of the subtitle was still visible
Gifs and Shapes - we increased the default size of gifs and shapes so you don't have to play around with the resize tool. 

Replace Media - now when you replace media it will fit exactly with the previous one.

Copy & Paste - When pasting objects from different tracks now we create multiple tracks to paste them correctly. 

Shapes - we now apply a random color when you add a shape so you can distinguish it from the background in case it was black.

Cursor - in any input field we now show the text cursor to let you know you can edit.

Motion Graphics - the cursor now changes to a pointer when you hover over a shape that can be edited.

New Feature:

  • Publish already exported videos - You can now publish videos to YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive from the Dashboard. Just click on the three dots next to a project's name and select the Publish option! 

General Improvements:

  • Redesigned the layout of the Text Properties. 
  • The default thumbnail will now be shown correctly if a regular one is missing.
  • Changed the background color of Motion Titles so that White Text becomes visible.
  • When moving a project to a different folder, the Folder Browser adjusts its height automatically and hides when the page is scrolled.
  • When changing a color, the alpha value is automatically set to 1 if it was previously 0. The selected color will persist.
  • Ripple Split now moves all of the objects to the right of the Playhead, not just the ones being split.
  • If you keep holding down the Shift key after a Ripple Split, another cut will not be performed.
  • Ripple Move now keeps objects on their respective tracks. 
  • You can add more assets to your Timeline selection using the Shift key.
  • Fixed the Timeline video thumbnails when the asset contains a Freeze Frame.
  • Holding Control and using the mouse wheel will no longer scroll the Timeline vertically. 
  • The Playhead now stops at the end of a video, not at the beginning.
  • The Next arrows now move the Playhead to the next cutting point, rather than the end of the video.
  • When there isn't any subtitle text added, subtitle opacity is set to 0. Subtitle position defaults to the bottom of the screen and the Timings panel is pre-selected.


  • Fixed an issue where Motion Objects would sometimes not change their color. 


  • Improved the general performance of Subtitles.


  • The Team Plan now allows you to connect multiple external accounts (YouTube, Google Drive, etc.) to the same Flixier account and choose which one you want to export to.


  • Subtitle support - You can now import and edit subtitle files (.src and .vtt formats) using Flixier! Just drag and drop your subtitle file to import it, or use the Add Subtitle button from the Text menu to create one from scratch! 


  • Custom fonts support! - We're proud to announce that Flixier now allows you to upload and use your own custom fonts! Not only that, using a custom font is possible with both Simple Text as well as Motion Titles and Motion Graphics, making them more customizable than ever before!