
Find out about our latest product changes as we continue
improving Flixier to enable your team to make amazing videos


  • Hovering over transitions with the mouse cursor will now show a preview of the transition making it easier to choose the right one. 
  • You can now use the Object Inspector menu to add transitions by selecting them from a drop-down list. 
  • You can control how long a transition lasts more precisely by modifying it using the Object Inspector menu.
  • Smoother Scrolling. 


  • Elements are no longer being moved in the stage when the focus is on the color correction Range Slider. 
  • Fixed a bug where an object wasn't selected when right clicked. 


  • Clicking on an object in the timeline will not move the Playhead anymore. You can click anywhere else on the timeline to move it. This makes it less likely to accidentally move it when selecting an object.
  • You can now modify the quality of the canvas preview when Twitch clips are added to the project.
  • Made it easier to deselect Media from the Timeline or Canvas. 
  • You can now deselect a Track by clicking on another item in the timeline. 
  • You can now save empty projects. 
  • When going from the projects dashboard to the editor the Personal Library tab will be selected by default. 
  • If you are logged in you will be redirected from the home page to the editor. 
  • Right Clicking the Playhead now displays the usual options that right clicking on a track would (such as Ripple Delete) 

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