The Top 5 Video Editing Trends of 2023 & How to Use Them in Your Digital Strategy

The Top 5 Video Editing Trends of 2023 & How to Use Them in Your Digital Strategy

In the ever-evolving world of digital media, staying on top of the latest video editing trends is crucial for success. 

As we move into 2023, new technologies and techniques are emerging that can take your videos to the next level. Whether you're a professional videographer or a marketer looking to up your game, understanding these trends and knowing how to use them in your digital strategy is essential. 

In this article, we'll explore the top 5 new video editing trends 2023 brings and provide tips on how to incorporate them into your own work. From short-form content to cloud-based tools, these are the tools and techniques that will give your videos a cutting-edge edge and help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.


1. Short-Form Video Content: A Growing Trend in 2023

Short-form video content is becoming more and more popular, as people are turning to social media platforms to consume and share video content. TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are examples of platforms that have made it clear that this type of content is one of the most effective ways to connect with audiences. 

In 2023, we can expect this trend to continue as more platforms will continue to bring videos front and center.

As a result, it's essential for businesses and marketers to understand the power of short-form video content and how to use it to reach their target audience. Short-form videos are perfect for attention-grabbing, easily consumable and shareable content that can help drive brand awareness, engagement, and conversions. These platforms allow businesses to be creative and share more relatable and personal stories with their audience. 

Additionally, businesses can leverage the power of these platforms to reach a wider audience, by creating engaging and authentic video content that aligns with the interests of their target audience.

How to Use It 

Here is a list of steps for effectively utilizing the new trends in video editing when it comes to short-form video:

  • Test different platforms: Experiment with different video-sharing platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, to see which one resonates best with your target audience.
  • Create authentic videos: Develop short-form videos that are authentic, relatable, and engaging for your target audience.
  • Analyze audience reactions: Keep track of how your audience is responding to your short-form videos and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Collaborate with video creators: Partner with influencers, social media creators, and other video producers to increase your reach and tap into new audiences.
  • Use video ads: Utilize short-form video ads to scale your brand awareness and reach a wider audience.


2. Videos Remain the Top Content Marketing Format in 2023

Videos will be the most popular content marketing type for organizations in 2023. This is demonstrated through the usage of many sorts of clips, such as product demos, explainers, and how- to's, which aid in teaching and enlightening the audience about a product or service.

We should expect to see more videos on websites, such as homepages, help centers, landing pages, and emails. As the usage of video in digital marketing grows, firms will begin to use video into their cold outreach efforts, as well as tailored onboarding videos, in order to give a better customer experience.

However, with the increased production of video content, it is critical for businesses to ensure that their videos stand out.  This can be achieved through creating high-quality, engaging and personalized videos that target specific audience segments. 

Businesses should focus on creating videos that align with their overall marketing strategy and goals.

How to Use It 

Here is a list of steps for effectively using video in your marketing strategy:

  • Update your assets with videos: Replace static images and text with engaging video content to increase engagement and conversions. According to Unbounce, including a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%.
  • Repurpose existing content: Convert existing content, such as articles, help center content, and webinars, into video assets that can be shared on social media or YouTube.
  • Optimize for video SEO: Optimize your video content with relevant keywords and metadata to improve discoverability and increase visibility on search engines.
  • Forge connections with your audience: Use video to showcase the people in your organization, to build trust and create a more personal connection with your audience. According to Syndacast, using the word "video" in an email subject line increases the open rate by 19% and the click-through rate by 65%.

By following these steps, businesses can effectively utilize video in their marketing strategy to increase engagement, conversions, and visibility while also building a deeper connection with their audience.


3. Cloud-based Video Editing Software: Empowering Organizations to Expand Their Video Strategy

Cloud-based video editing software is becoming increasingly popular among organizations as it allows them to expand their video strategy without incurring high costs. As the demand for video content continues to grow, the need for video editing professionals also increases, but the costs associated with hiring these professionals can be prohibitive for some organizations.

Cloud-based video editing software can help organizations keep costs low by providing them with a cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house video editing professionals. These cloud-based tools can be accessed by anyone within an organization, enabling them to create and edit videos without having to rely on a dedicated team of editors.

A screenshot of the Flixier website. The text in the image talks about how easy it is to make amazing videos and collaborate with team-members using Flixier.
Flixier is a cloud-based video editing software that allows users to create and edit videos without the need for costly, specialized software or hardware. The software is accessible from any device with an internet connection, which means users can edit videos from anywhere and collaborate with team members remotely. Create your free account now!

Additionally, these cloud-based tools are also designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for non-experts to create high-quality videos. This empowers organizations to easily create and edit videos in-house, which means they can quickly and easily scale their video production efforts without incurring high costs.

Another benefit of cloud-based video editing software is that it allows organizations to access their videos from anywhere and collaborate with team members remotely. This enables organizations to work efficiently and effectively even if their team members are not in the same location.

How to Use It 

These are some tips on how to use cloud-based video editing software to wow your audience and pitch yourself for a raise:

  • Learn the basics of a cloud-based video editing software like Flixier
  • Explore the different features and tools available in the software, such as audio to subtitles, animated subtitles, translations, and audio editing
  • Choose a tool that is easy to use and that has all the integrations you need for your specific projects
  • Think of campaigns that will bring user generated content (UCG) and leverage them to increase engagement and reach
  • Create a portfolio of your work and use it to showcase your skills and pitch yourself for a raise
  • Continuously improve your skills by experimenting with new features and effects, and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.


4. Collaborative Video Editing: Enabling Remote Teams to Work Together on Video Projects

Collaborative video editing is a technology that allows remote teams to work together on video projects. This technology enables teams to share and edit video files in real-time, regardless of their location. 

A screenshot stating that people can edit videos collaboratively and work together with team clients and team members when editing videos with Flixier.
Flixier's ability to foster real-time collaboration on videos is one of its primary advantages. With this technology, many team members may work on a video production at the same time and offer real-time comments. This enables a more rapid and effective process, as well as the incorporation of diverse viewpoints and ideas into the final result.

This allows teams to have access to a professional video editor without the need to outsource or hire an internal editor. With this technology, teams can work together on video projects in a more efficient and cost-effective way, improving their overall productivity.

How to Use It 

These are some tips and tricks on how to make the most out of video collaboration:

  • Research and choose a video making platform that allows for real-time collaboration and feedback.
  • Invite your team members to join the tool and create a project for your video.
  • Make use of the real-time collaboration tools to collaborate on the video, offering input and making modifications in real-time.
  • Take advantage of any time-saving tools the program offers, such as pre-set templates or bulk actions, to speed the video producing process.
  • Communicate with your team on a regular basis and use the feedback features to guarantee the final result meets your expectations.
A screenshot showing the available team collaboration options from the Flixier app.


5. AI in Video Creation: Making the Job Easier and More Efficient in 2023

After DALL-E, Midjourney, and ChatGPT swept over the world of image and content production, rumors are that video will be next. In the near future, AI technology is likely to play a big role in the field of video creation. AI-powered technologies will most likely make the process of generating videos easier and more efficient in 2023.

Script creation is one area where AI may help. AI algorithms may evaluate data and trends to develop scripts for a specific audience or purpose. This can save video makers time and effort, since they would normally have to spend hours developing and tweaking scripts.

Voiceover is another instance where AI may assist. Artificial intelligence-powered programs can produce accurate, natural-sounding voiceovers that may be used in place of human voice performers. This can save time and money by eliminating the need for pricey voiceover recording sessions.

A screenshot showing how you can generate AI powered voiceovers with Flixier.

While AI can help with some parts of video production, the final output must still be put together by human editors and directors. While AI can assist in automating monotonous activities, the creative and narrative aspects of video production still require a human touch.

How to Use It 

Here are some examples of how you can utilize AI in video creation to assist your strategy:

  • Use artificial intelligence to develop scripts that are suited to your audience and purpose. Make sure to provide your own unique perspective on issues and avoid using non-original scripts.
  • Use AI to extract subtitles from a video automatically. When compared to manually transcribing the subtitles, this can save time and work.
  • Use artificial intelligence to convert your subtitles into multiple languages. This might broaden your audience reach and make your films more accessible.
  • To scale your efforts, use AI-generated voice over. However, it is necessary to alter the pronunciation to ensure that it sounds correct.
  • To better understand your audience and enhance your video content, use AI-powered solutions to evaluate video data such as user interaction and demographics.
  • Use AI-powered technologies to automate tedious chores like color correction, picture stabilization, and audio processing, freeing up your time to focus on more creative parts of video production.


With new technologies and techniques emerging every year, it's important to stay informed and incorporate the latest trends into your digital strategy. 

By keeping these trends in mind and experimenting with different techniques, you can take your video editing to the next level and stand out in an increasingly crowded digital landscape. 

To make this process even more effortless and efficient, consider using a tool like Flixier. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced features, you can create professional-grade videos that will help you achieve your marketing goals in no time.

Create your free account and emerge yourself in the world of video editing!

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