Will long-form video still have a place in 2023?

Will long-form video still have a place in 2023?

Are long-form videos still worth the investment in the age of short-form video dominance? As we look towards the ever-evolving video marketing trends 2023, the question arises: Will long-form video content continue to have a place in the future?

In this article, we dive into the advantages and challenges of long-form video and analyze whether it will still be relevant. Join us as we explore the impact of changing consumer behaviors and emerging technologies on the future of video content.


Ready to learn more about short form vs long form video content?


What is Long-Form Video?

Long-form video refers to video content that is typically longer in duration than short-form video, which is usually under 2 minutes in length. While there is no clear "long form video" definition," it generally refers to videos that are longer than 10 minutes, and may range from 15 minutes to several hours. 

Documentaries, webinars, interviews, tutorials, and full-length movies are all examples of long-form videos. The length of the video is often determined by the goals and objectives of the content creator, as well as the preferences and behaviors of the target audience.


The Current State of Video Content: Long-Form vs Short-Form Video

Video content has taken the world by storm in recent years, as the growth of social media platforms and online streaming services have provided a platform for creators to showcase their talents. As a result, two distinct types of video content have emerged: short-form video and long-form video.


Short Form Video Content

In recent years, short-form video has become increasingly popular, thanks to platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Here are some key characteristics of short-form video:

  • Typically, short-form videos are between 15 and 60 seconds in video length.
  • They are designed to quickly capture viewers' attention with engaging visuals, music, and sound effects.
  • Short-form videos are easy to consume, share, and create, making them an effective tool for marketers and content creators to reach a broad audience.
  • They are often optimized for mobile viewing, making them ideal for on-the-go consumption.
  • Due to their short length, short-form videos are typically visually-driven and rely less on dialogue.

The appeal of short-form video lies in its simplicity and ease of consumption. With just a few taps on a smartphone, viewers can enjoy a quick burst of entertainment or information. This has made short-form video a powerful tool for businesses and creators looking to connect with a wider audience.


Long-Form Content Video

While short-form video has seen a surge in popularity, long-form video has also experienced significant growth in recent years. Here are some key characteristics of long-form video:

  • Long-form videos typically range from 30 minutes to several hours in length, allowing creators to tell more complex stories and dive deeper into a subject.
  • Platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Netflix have given rise to a new generation of content creators who produce long-form video content.
  • Long-form video is popular with viewers who are looking for a more immersive and engaging viewing experience.
  • Unlike short-form video, long-form video often relies on dialogue and in-depth analysis, making it ideal for educational or informative content.
  • Long-form video is often viewed on larger screens, such as TVs or laptops, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in the content.

The appeal of long-form video lies in its ability to provide viewers with a more comprehensive and engaging experience. With longer runtimes, creators can delve into more complex topics or tell more detailed stories, capturing the attention of viewers for extended periods. This has made long-form video content a popular format for educational content, documentaries, and other informative online videos.


Key Differences

The main difference between short-form and long-form video is their length. Short-form videos are designed to capture viewers' attention quickly and are often optimized for mobile viewing. They are also often more visually-driven and rely less on dialogue. They are also the sweet spot in terms of content preferred by younger audiences when it comes to social media marketing.

Long-form videos, on the other hand, allow creators to tell more complex stories and can include more in-depth dialogue and analysis. They are also typically viewed on larger screens and may require a greater time commitment from viewers.


Advantages of Long-Form Video Content

Long-form video has been experiencing a growth in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. 

Here are some of the many benefits of long-form video and implementing it in the marketing strategy:


A. Ability to tell complex stories

One of the main advantages of long-form video is its ability to tell complex stories. Unlike short-form videos, which are designed to capture viewers' attention quickly, long-form videos provide ample time to delve into a topic and explore it in depth. 

Creators can take their time to develop characters, build suspense, and create emotional connections with the audience. This makes long-form video particularly effective for telling stories that require a greater degree of nuance or complexity, such as documentaries or feature-length YouTube channel videos.


B. In-depth analysis of topics

Long-form video also allows for in-depth analysis of topics. Creators can provide more detailed information and explore a subject from multiple angles, making it easier for viewers to gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. 

This is particularly useful for educational or informational content, where the goal is to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of a subject.


C. Immersive and engaging viewing experience

Long-form video content provides a more immersive and engaging viewing experience than short video content. With longer run times, creators can build tension, create emotional connections, and take viewers on a journey that they won't forget, thus, building audience engagement.

Viewers can become invested in characters and storylines, resulting in a more rewarding and satisfying viewing experience. In addition, long-form video is often viewed on larger screens, such as TVs or laptops, which enhances the immersive experience.


Future of Long-Form Content

The future of long-form video looks promising, with potential for continued growth and popularity. As more people turn to online platforms for entertainment and information, long-form video is likely to become an increasingly important medium. 


There are several factors that could shape the future of long-form video:


A. Potential for continued growth and popularity

Long-form video has already experienced significant growth in recent years, and this trend is likely to continue. As more people become accustomed to consuming video content online, they may gravitate towards longer-form content that provides a deeper, more meaningful viewing experience. 

With the rise of new services and tools, such as online video editors like Flixier, have made it easier for content creators to produce high-quality long-form videos, further fueling their popularity.


While the popularity of long-form video is expected to grow, creators and businesses will need to adapt to changing trends and habits in order to stay relevant. 

For example, they may need to consider the rise of mobile viewing, and optimize their content accordingly. They may also need to think about how to engage audiences with shorter attention spans, perhaps by incorporating interactive elements or breaking up long-form content into shorter segments.


C. New opportunities for content creators and businesses

The rise of long-form video has also created new opportunities for content creators and businesses. For example, businesses may choose to produce long-form video content as a way to tell their brand story and build a deeper connection with their audience through content marketing. 

Content creators, meanwhile, may be able to monetize their long-form social media content through platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Patreon, allowing them to earn a living from their craft while building relationships with their audiences.


Transform Your Video Content with Flixier!

Video content has come a long way in recent years, with both short-form and long-form videos carving out their own respective niches in the online landscape. While short-form videos are great for quick, attention-grabbing content, long-form videos allow creators to tell more complex stories, provide in-depth analysis of topics, and create immersive viewing experiences. 


As we look to the future, it is clear that video content will continue to play an important role in our lives. Whether it is through entertainment, education, or content marketing, video is a powerful medium that can connect us in new and exciting ways. 


At Flixier, we understand the importance of creating high-quality long-form video content. That's why we've developed a powerful online video editor that makes it easy to edit, collaborate, and share your content with the world.

So why wait? Sign up for Flixier today and take your video content to the next level! 

Frequently asked questions

What is considered long form video content?

Why are long form videos important?

What length of video is most effective?

Do longer videos perform better?

Dramatically speed up your video editing