Animated Stickers Maker

Craft eye-catching animated stickers and add them to your videos.

Create animated stickers online

Whether you want to use our pre-designed stickers or craft your own from scratch, our intuitive video sticker maker has got you covered. With a suite of powerful editing tools, you can unleash your creativity, infusing your videos with custom stickers, stunning animations, eye-catching transitions, vibrant sound effects, and so much more. Cut, trim, rotate, resize, and animate with keyframes, all within the Flixier dashboard. Create fun GIFs from your own media, animate objects, add motion titles, and put together YouTube videos, TikToks, Reels, or maybe a lively anniversary video straight from your browser. Add your unique flair to your projects and share them with the digital world directly from Flixier.

Animated Stickers Maker

Animate and customize stickers for stunning content

Take your content creation process to greater heights with tailor-made stickers for video editing, whether you're a seasoned creator, video editor enthusiast, or professional marketer. Effortlessly create and edit animated stickers with keyframes for your TikTok clips, video ads, Instagram reels, vlogs, or YouTube videos without leaving your browser.

Animate stickers or any other visual elements

Animate titles, calls to action, motion graphics, and more using keyframes. Create custom moving stickers, control animation length, and achieve smoother motion using the Easing feature. Style your stickers by changing its color, size, and position to add that extra touch of customization to your video elements.

Make it even more engaging with emojis and sound effects

Go beyond custom animated stickers with emojis and sound effects that will make your content more eye-catching. Make your offers irresistible with a ring-bell sound effect, create hype with frenetic applause, or build anticipation with a drum roll for your new product release.

An extensive selection of stock media at your fingertips

Delve into a rich collection of stock media. From music tracks to sound effects, stickers to motion titles, pre-designed CTAs, background images, and GIFs, Flixier has got it all. Enhance your videos with lively moving stickers, captivating images, and compelling CTAs to craft irresistible content for all your online projects.

How to create animated stickers:

How to create animated stickers:

Open Flixier

Click on the Get Started button above to open Fixer in your browser. You can then upload your media from your device or from cloud storage services such as Google Drive, One Drive, or Dropbox. Alternatively, you can simply paste a link, and Flixier will automatically import it into your Library.


Create animated stickers

Drag and drop your media onto the timeline. From the left-side menu, you can add text, shapes, or other elements you want to animate. To create animated stickers, simply select them on the timeline, go to the Properties Panel, and then to the Animation section. You can choose from preset animations to move, wipe, or resize them. 

To create your own unique animated stickers, select Custom from the Animation section. Adjust the position and size, change the length, and even smoothen the animation with the Easing option. Get creative and make stickers that perfectly fit your video content.


Save or Share

Once you have added your animated stickers to your projects, you can edit them further using Flixier's complete set of editing features. When you are finished, click on Export and choose Video to save it to your computer or publish it directly to TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook.

Why use Flixier as an animated sticker maker:

Make scroll-stopping animated text

From static text to images and animated characters, you can personalize and animate every element, adding a playful and entertaining touch. Give crystal-clear instructions, drive your audience to take action, and spark interaction with animated text such as "Sound on," "Swipe up," or "Subscribe." 

A full-featured online animated sticker maker

Why settle for just designing stickers when you can edit the entire video with our full-featured online video editor? Fine-tune your audio to give your videos a professional sound, effortlessly cut and rotate clips, and seamlessly integrate transitions for a smooth narrative flow. Craft eye-catching videos at studio quality, whether you're a novice or an experienced video creator.

Bring your creative vision to life from anywhere

Take advantage of Flixier's suite of video editing features, including the intuitive Animated Sticker Maker, directly from your web browser without the hassle of downloading any software. Seamlessly access and work on your projects from anywhere, ensuring a smooth editing experience across all working environments.

Easy to create and even easier to share online

Experience the freedom and convenience of creating and sharing from anywhere. Save time and effort with our advanced editor and smart social media integrations. Whether it's your phone, computer, tablet, or desk, easily design animated stickers from any device with Flixier and seamlessly share them along with your video content on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or YouTube.

What people say about Flixier

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja
Evgeni Kogan

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan
Steve Mastroianni -

I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Steve Mastroianni -

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can animated stickers be?
How long can animated stickers be?

What are animated stickers used for?
What are animated stickers used for?

What is the difference between a GIF and an animated sticker?
What is the difference between a GIF and an animated sticker?

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