AI Stock Video Generator
Generate professional stock videos with AI technology in minutes

Create stock videos with AI
Create stock footage that fits your needs with our AI stock video generator. Type what you want to see in your video, and our AI will create it for you. Pick between different styles, add text overlays, and combine AI-generated content with your own media. Generate stock videos in various formats and lengths without spending money on expensive stock footage websites.
Build visual libraries
Build product demonstrations
Create social media ads
Test different styles
How to use the AI stock video generator:
Enter a detailed description of your video concept in the text box. Include specific details about style, content, and desired outcome.
Choose video size, AI speaker voice, and other customization options. In the Media Types section, make sure to pick AI videos, then set your preferred duration and tone.
When your AI stock video is ready, you can make some final edits in Flixier's online video editor. Add your personal touches, then download it to your device or share it on social media.
You`re ingood hands
Over 1 million creators use Flixier every month including brands like:

Can I sell AI-generated videos?
You can sell videos created with our AI stock video generator for commercial purposes. You receive full usage rights for all generated content.
How does the AI video generator work?
The AI analyzes your text description and creates matching video content based on training data. It combines visual elements to match your requirements.
How big is the AI video generator market?
The AI video generator market is growing fast, with many businesses and creators using it to make content quickly and affordably.
Need more than an AI stock video generator?

Edit easily
With Flixier you can trim videos or add text, music, motion graphics, images and so much more.

Publish in minutes
Flixier is powered by the cloud so you can edit and publish your videos at blazing speed on any device.

Collaborate in real-time
Easily collaborate on your projects with Flixier, we offer real-time feedback and sharing of projects.