HomeAIAI Image GeneratorAI Meme Generator

AI Meme Generator

Create hilarious content straight from your browser with our online AI meme generator

Out of inspiration?Use examples!

AI Meme Generator

Image Settings

Aspect Ratio


Negative Prompt


AI meme generator anyone can use

What if you created the next viral meme with a little bit of help from AI? Turn Grumpy Cat into a grumpy kitten family, or pair the Distracted Boyfriend with an equally distracted girlfriend through the power of AI meme creation! Write down your concept of a meme, and Flixier will work its magic in seconds. You can add a fully customizable caption to your meme and even turn it into a GIF or video, all without leaving your browser tab. All you need for our powerful AI meme creator to run is a steady internet connection and to power up your favorite browser. Give it a try with no strings attached as part of our Free plan.

Generate memes with AI

Use Flixier’s free AI image generator to share your wit and jokes with the world! Simply write down a prompt describing what your meme should look like, and our advanced cloud servers and neural network technologies will take care of it instantly. Reaching international audiences and translating your meme into over 130 languages and dialects is a piece of cake with Flixier’s AI tool suite.

Recreate viral memes in your style

Add your own personal touch to memorable memes that have ruled the internet for years. Flixier’s cutting-edge neural network technology lets you play with any image you can think of. Bring an original twist to your favorite memes by recreating them from scratch and experimenting with some of our image styles, like Comicbook or Anime. Embrace countless creative and playful options.

Mix AI-generated meme images, GIFs, and videos

Flixier is so much more than just a tool that helps you with AI-generated meme images. The fastest online video editor features a complete toolkit for you to experiment with multimedia files. Edit videos, audio tracks, meme images, and GIFs like a pro by cutting, cropping, enhancing with transitions, effects, or recording voice overs. Explore hundreds of editing features like our GIF editor.

Create hilarious captions

Gone are the days when white bold font was the only caption option for memes. Flixier lets you fully personalize your meme captions by adding text easily and adjusting its placement however you see fit. You can even add animated motion titles. Browse over 1000 fonts or upload your own, then adjust the style, color, and weight, or even add a colorful background to your meme captions.

How to use the AI meme generator:


Power up Flixier:

Click Get Started to open Flixier in your web browser and create hilarious AI memes. Head to the AI Tools button on the left side of the menu and open our AI Image Generator.


Generate memes with AI:

Write down a detailed description of your meme. For a great result, provide information about the image subject, background, or color effects. If you aren’t feeling inspired, you can use Example prompts.

Check out our Style options and choose your favorite, and don’t forget to select an aspect ratio. 


Edit videos or download your meme:

Flixier auto-saves any AI meme you create to your library so you can integrate it into a video. Add funny sound effects, captions, or even overlay GIFs on your meme video.

To download your newly generated meme as a standalone PNG image, drag it onto the canvas, right-click, and then tap Export current frame.

AI Meme Generator

Why use Flixier as an AI Meme Generator:


A social media-friendly AI toolset

Why go through the entire creative process for your AI-generated meme to end up cropped to fit a smartphone screen? With Flixier’s intuitive interface, you can make the switch from landscape to portrait mode or other different aspect ratios at the click of a button. Enjoy adjusting your digital canvas for square Instagram memes or vertical TikToks.


Add funny sound effects

Pair your unique AI-generated meme with a funny sound effect like laughter, crickets, or animal noises. Browse our rich stock library of royalty-free sounds and music for hilariously-timed audio insertions. It’s like having a complete soundboard at your fingertips. And the best part is that you can even record yourself effortlessly, save, and use your own sound for video edits of memes.


Import meme content from multiple sources

With Flixier, you can bring over and edit multimedia files from various sources. Our cloud integrations let you directly import from storage solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive. Alternatively, you use the Link import feature, which works with multiple online sources, provided you have the owner’s permission to edit and share without copyright infringement.


Free AI meme generator

Skip long and complicated installation processes or software downloads. Flixier’s free AI meme generator runs right in your browser, and all you really need is a steady internet connection. Turn your vision from text into an image with a single click. Experiment without any costs as part of our Free plan and let your creativity take charge. 

You`re ingood hands

Over 1 million creators use Flixier every month including brands like:

I like Flixier because I can use it anywhere I go and I don`t need a lot of computer requirements but great internet connection. I like how fast it is when it comes to rendering videos and still have the opportunity to continue or start another project while waiting. I appreciate the continuous updates and adjustments because it is necessary for a video editing tool.

Maria Conception Z.
Maria Conception Z.
YouTube Strategist | Content Creator | Author of "How to Start Your Virtual Assistant Business" Book
4.5 / 5 Rating

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan
Evgeni Kogan
4.2 / 5 Rating

I like Flixier because I can use it anywhere I go and I don't need a lot of computer requirements but great internet connection. I like how fast it is when it comes to rendering videos and still have the opportunity to continue or start another project while waiting. I appreciate the continuous updates and adjustments because it is necessary for a video editing tool.

Rotten Mango
Rotten Mango
4.3 / 5 Rating

What I like most about Flixier is the flexibility to edit the captions, both in terms of the text and the time where it starts and finish showing it. It gives you full control.

Franz P.
Franz P.
4.8 / 5 Rating

This online free program was extremely easy to use, implement, and integrate into my 9-12th grade tech classes. The projects turned out great and were easy to export. I liked having multiple ways to upload pictures. The software was also easy to understand.

Monika L.
Monika L.


1. How are the AI memes made?

AI memes are easy to make, thanks to online tools like Flixier. All you have to do is open up a browser tab, power up Flixier, and use the AI image generator to draft up a picture of any meme you can think of. 

2. How does a meme generator work?

Traditional meme generators are easy to work with because all you have to do is navigate through meme templates and choose your favorite, then add text to it. Alternatively, you can create a meme from scratch using a funny picture, or you can even use your imagination and an AI image generator like Flixier to turn your vision into reality.

3. How do AI-generated images work?

AI-generated images are pictures you create with the help of neural networks based on a text prompt. You simply write down all the details you wish to be included in the image, and tools like Flixier work their magic in seconds to transform your concept into reality.

Need more than an AI meme generator?

Edit easily

Edit easily

With Flixier you can trim videos or add text, music, motion graphics, images and so much more.

Publish in minutes

Publish in minutes

Flixier is powered by the cloud so you can edit and publish your videos at blazing speed on any device.

Collaborate in real-time

Collaborate in real-time

Easily collaborate on your projects with Flixier, we offer real-time feedback and sharing of projects.