AI Wallpaper Generator

Design custom wallpapers and backgrounds to perfectly suit your digital space.

Turn text prompts into beautiful AI generated wallpapers

Design stunning wallpapers for your desktop, phone, tablet, or any other device with ease. Our advanced neural network technology ensures high-resolution, crystal-clear images in a variety of styles and aspect ratios. Whether you're an artist, designer, home decor enthusiast, or social media content creator, you can bring your ideas to life with share-worthy wallpapers. Transform your creations into captivating backdrops for product demo videos or integrate them seamlessly into video slideshows with transitions, sound effects, motion titles, or voiceovers. Bring anime art to life, design your very own comic book character, or create a stunning origami-style background. The possibilities are endless with our text-to-image tool.

AI Wallpaper Generator

An easy-to-use, free AI wallpaper generator

Create stunning wallpapers that fit every screen without having to draw or photograph anything. Just write your detailed idea, and watch as it comes to life in mere seconds. From sleek minimalistic designs and vibrant neon punk-inspired illustrations to your unique take on renowned landscapes, Flixier will bring your concept to life as a top-notch, ready-to-use masterpiece.

Get personalized AI generated wallpapers

Leverage the latest neural network technologies and design your very own personalized wallpaper at incredible resolutions, featuring stunning details and texture. Tailor your images to match your mood using various styles perfectly. Unleash your artistic flair without ever picking up a paintbrush. Transform your creative vision into a stunning reality at the touch of a button.

Generate AI wallpapers in various styles

Are you looking for a vibrant background for your smartphone, app, game, or digital space? With Flixier's AI wallpaper maker, you can easily bring your visions to life as stunning backgrounds. Explore various styles, from Anime, Comic books, and Digital Art to Fantasy Art, Isometric, Low Poly, or Tile Texture. The possibilities are endless.

Create wallpapers that match any device or room

Transform your art to fit any canvas,  from your phone, desktop, tablet, website, or even your physical wall. Easily craft stunning visuals that will breathe new life into your virtual and physical environments. Transition from landscape to portrait and explore a variety of display options such as horizontal, social, cinematic, and more, all at the push of a button.

How to use our AI wallpaper generator:

How to use our AI wallpaper generator:

Open Flixier

Tap the Get Started button above to open Flixier in your browser. Then, go to the AI Tools on the left side of your screen and select AI Image Generator.


Generate AI wallpapers

Input your text prompt into the designated field. Be as detailed as possible to ensure your vision comes to life as you have imagined it. Select a style and an aspect ratio to seamlessly integrate it into your video or designs. If you lack inspiration, try ready-made prompts with the Use example option. Also, make sure you know what you definitely don't want in your artwork with the Negative prompt feature.


Save or Share

All AI-generated images are automatically added to your Library. You can use them as background for your video creation or save them as high-quality PNG files. To do this, simply drag the image to the Canvas, right-click, and select Extract Current Frame. That's it!

Why use Flixier as an AI wallpaper generator:

Explore ready-made prompts for endless inspiration

Fuel your creativity with ready-made text prompts. Flixier’s AI wallpaper 4k generator features Use example option that comes up with hundreds of unique and innovative concepts designed to inspire and guide you to unique results. This option can become very handy when you're feeling stuck or in need of a jump start. 

Turn images into video with ease

Turn your ideas into stunning visuals and transform those visuals into engaging videos. Add images to videos, create professional-looking slideshows, or use them as backgrounds in product showcase videos. Customize your videos with flawless transitions, filters, captivating effects, graphics, fun stickers, fully customizable CTAs, dynamic captions, and much more with just a touch of a button.

Get your designs ready to publish

Create stunning visuals in the perfect size for any platform, from Instagram to YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and others. With one click, you can switch from cinema to portrait or social-friendly aspect ratios. Thanks to smart social media integrations, you can share your designs with online communities straight from Flixier.

Try our AI wallpaper generator for free

Start building your showcase portfolio with professional-looking, high-quality digital artwork regardless of your skills or experience. No need for complex software or a high-powered computer to create professional images and edit videos like a pro. Open Flixier in your browser and get up to 10 free AI-generated wallpapers, anime art, comic book characters, or any other design you need.

What people say about Flixier

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja

I'm so relieved I found Flixier. I have a YouTube channel with over 700k subscribers and Flixier allows me to collaborate seamlessly with my team, they can work from any device at any time plus, renders are cloud powered and super super fast on any computer.

Anja Winter, Owner, LearnGermanWithAnja
Evgeni Kogan

My main criteria for an editor was that the interface is familiar and most importantly that the renders were in the cloud and super fast. Flixier more than delivered in both. I've now been using it daily to edit Facebook videos for my 1M follower page.

Evgeni Kogan
Steve Mastroianni -

I’ve been looking for a solution like Flixier for years. Now that my virtual team and I can edit projects together on the cloud with Flixier, it tripled my company’s video output! Super easy to use and unbelievably quick exports.

Steve Mastroianni -

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use an AI image generator effectively?
How to use an AI image generator effectively?

Do AI image generators use existing images?
Do AI image generators use existing images?

Can AI wallpaper images be used commercially?
Can AI wallpaper images be used commercially?

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