Share projects and media files

Share projects with colleagues

To share a project with your other team members, hover the cursor over the project and click on the three dots on its lower right corner or right click on the project. Now click on “Share with team” to share the project with your team members. 

Even if you create projects in a team space, the project will only be visible to you at first, unless the project was created in a shared folder or moved to one. 

When you share projects with your team every user that team can see, access and edit those projects, still, a shared project can only be deleted by the person that created and shared it with the team. 

When entering a shared project you will see the latest edits made by someone, making it very easy to pick up a project and continue where someone else left off. At the moment we don’t support more than one editor doing edits at the same time in a project. 

Share media files with colleagues

To share media files with your other team members, right-click on the media file and select “Share with Team”. 

Even if you upload media files in a team space, the media file will only be visible to you at first, unless the media file was created or moved to a shared folder or deliberately shared by you by following the steps above.

Make projects and media files private again

If you want to make a project or a media file private again just right click it and select “Make Private”.

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